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The Advocate

The Advocate, a must-read, is a fictional tale of Ryan Arenz, a retired middle-class widower. He volunteers for a program where he advocates for Wanda, a single mother living in poverty, and her young son Marshawn. Although out of his element, Ryan is tasked with ensuring ‘Marsh’ is prepared for school, feels he belongs, is on a level playing field with other kids, and has a fighting chance to succeed and stay in school.

Once a week, all the children in the pre-K daycare meet along with their parent(s) and the other advocates. What happens in this diverse group is surprising. Things don’t always go smoothly for Ryan, Wanda, and Marsh.

The story is both heart-warming and heart-breaking. This is an important novel at this time when we need to be brought together rather than further divided.

The Advocate is an exciting adventure capturing the essence of cultural characteristics and sometimes invisible sources that define the lives of millions.

— Randall Hanson, inner-city youth worker
The Advocate was a book I finished in one day because I simply could not put it down. The characters were people I ‘knew’. I could feel myself sitting in the house with them, at the meetings. As a single parent, the support the ‘advocate’ offered the mom and child made me both envious and charmed. The book is so well written you live the story not read it.
— Julie Frawley, Middle School math teacher